call to action
the implicit or explicit suggestion contained in amarketer's content in an advertising banner or Website copy
The call to action said Click Here to enter a survey toqualify to win a prize.
"click here" "pay now"
We see an array of suggestive wording throughout our society. There is a call to action to every decision we encounter. Stop or go at a stop sign. Text or call your mother. Pay now or pay later. Cash or credit. You get the point.
As parents we are faced with these type of "choices" if you will, when it comes to handling how we respond and react to our children. Spank or time out? Sleep or get up and do something about a crying toddler in the night? Your needs or the child's needs?
As Christians we are faced with obey God or disobey? Tell the truth? His way or my way?
As athletes we have options such as: get moving or rest? Eat this or that? Work harder or stay in a rut? Push through or give up?

When given the opportunity will we choose to push harder at the gym, lift more, run longer, do one more rep, tack on an extra set, or will we decide to stay the same?
What is your call to action? Healthy or unhealthy? Survive or thrive? Slump or hilltop? Groan and complain or rejoice and have joy? Make situations better or sit in agony?
The call to action is your choice. Choose wisely.
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